This year GlobusWorld 2025 conference, for Globus users, administrators and our partner communities, will be held in downtown Chicago at the Gwen Hotel.
Presentations will include research computing leaders, system administrators, and others who use Globus at universities, national supercomputing centers, and other research facilities.
Please submit presentation proposals related to the use of Globus for research data management and collaboration, and development of solutions or applications that leverage the Globus platform. Your presentation should emphasize the unique capabilities delivered by your solution and/or the impact of Globus on the research being conducted, with concrete lessons learned, insights and tips that your colleagues in the audience will find useful. We seek both high-level, overview presentations as well as targeted, technical talks focused on more narrow topics.
Abstracts should provide the technical substance required for us to evaluate the session’s contribution to the Globus community, without the need for further correspondence. If the presentation was given at another conference, please note the name, date, and location of the event in the submission. Abstracts for accepted submissions will be published on the GlobusWorld website and in other conference material, and made available to conference attendees.
Questions and correspondence regarding the program may be directed to outreach at