AIwire, the successor to 12-year-old “EnterpriseAI,” continues as the trusted global news site for scientific and technical AI. As the role of artificial intelligence in scientific computing intensifies, AIwire’s reporting explores use cases illustrating its dramatic impact across scientific and technical disciplines and industries. As a news portal and weekly newsletter, AIwire covers ground-breaking developments in machine and deep learning, LLM training, and the GenAI ecosystem, showcasing how leading organizations and global community initiatives combine both HPC and AI to accelerate the utilization of AI for scientific discovery and innovation. Subscribe now at | |
BigDATAwire (formerly “Datanami,”) is a news site and weekly newsletter covering the tools, technologies, and techniques that unlock value from big data, as well as the people and communities that develop and use them. Today’s data science, advanced analytics, and AI offerings have evolved quickly, but effective data management remains a bottleneck for many organizations, especially when it comes to ensuring privacy, security, and governance in line with emerging regulations. Now in its 14th year, BigDATAwire covers both the enterprise and sci-tech segments, which have many overlapping challenges and use cases. Subscribe now at | |
HPCwire is a news site and weekly newsletter covering the fastest computers in the world and the people who run them. As the trusted source for HPC news since 1987, HPCwire serves as the publication of record on the issues, opportunities, challenges, and community developments relevant to the global High Performance Computing space. Its reporting covers the vendors, technologies, users, and the uses of high performance, AI- and data-intensive computing within academia, government, science, and industry. Subscribe now at |