Tutorial Materials

Test Endpoints

  • Globus endpoints: Every Globus user has access to two endpoints, Globus Tutorial Endpoint 1 and Globus Tutorial Endpoint 2. These have a 10MB quota and are used mostly to validate that a new Globus account is working.
  • ESnet endpoints: ESnet operates a set of read-only test endpoints on DTNs in various locations around the world. These endpoints host multiple datasets varying in size and number of files; they are a great resource for testing network performance. Type "esnet read-only" in the Globus endpoint search field to find these endpoints.
    Note: The ESnet endpoints are only accessible if you are connected to a research and education network endpoint (including almost all US universities, national laboratories and supercomputing facilties).
To participate in the hands-on exercises, claim your virtual machine here.
You must also join the Tutorial Users group so you can access various shared resources.

Globus Connect Server Walkthrough

Access your VM instance as user 'adminN', using the DNS name from the Google spreadsheet, e.g. ssh admin1@tut1.globusdemo.org. Your 'adminN' user has passwordless sudo privileges, so you can sudo su before running the various GCS commands.

Click here for Globus Connect Server commands to create and configure GCSv5 endpoints/collections.
Note: The Globus Connect Server packages are already installed on your instance. For reference, the commands we used to install them on Ubuntu are as follows:

curl -LOs https://downloads.globus.org/globus-connect-server/stable/installers/repo/deb/globus-repo_latest_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i globus-repo_latest_all.deb
sudo apt-key add /usr/share/globus-repo/RPM-GPG-KEY-Globus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --assume-yes install globus-connect-server54

Globus Connect Server Documentation

  1. Installation Guide  
  2. GCS Command Line Reference  
  3. Video Walkthrough of GCS v5.4 Installation  

Tutorial Exercises

Access your VM instance as as user 'devN', using the DNS name from the Google spreadsheet, e.g. ssh dev1@tut1.globusdemo.org. All software required for the tutorial exercises is already installed on your instance.

Automation Tutorial

Globus CLI and Globus Flows/triggers exercises: Click here to copy paste commands.
Sample flow definitions/triggers repo: github.com/globus/globus-flows-trigger-examples
Access the Globus Jupyter notebooks on our JupyterHub at jupyter.demo.globus.org.

Portal Tutorial

Portal deployment exercise: Click here for commands to set up your portal.
Django Globus Portal Framework code is in this GitHub repository.

Developer Resources

Other Useful Links